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Karaoke Scene – What's New

Current Events for Karaoke Scene

What’s New April May 2011

Apr/May 2011Our SongBurst 2011 competition (SongBurst at Soboba) is wrapping up with the Finals on April 4th. The event has been a huge success with the maximum number of contestants signing up each week to compete. Karaoke Scene would like to thank the fine people at the Soboba Casino for everything they have done to make this such a great event. Thanks also to radio stations X103.9, KCXX (The X) and 101.3 KATY (The Mix) for their support and the assistance of their on-air personalities at each contest round. The winners will be announced in our June/July issue.

KaraokeFest 2011 is coming on Saturday, September 10th at the fabulous L.A. County Fair in Pomona. By popular demand, KaraokeFest will be held on a Saturday so we can all celebrate during our day-long Karaoke party on Saturday and then have a whole day to relax and recharge our batteries on Sunday. Remember, the “Fair” is open longer on Saturday, 10am – midnight. All of the details for KaraokeFest 2011 will be available at KaraokeScene.com and in our coming June/July issue.

As KaraokeFest approaches, we are nearing the time for the “Oscars” of Karaoke, the “KJ of the Year Awards.” These awards are so important because they provide a way to honor the KJs whose special contributions to Southern California Karaoke deserve to be recognized. Whether it is great song selection, outstanding sound system, fairest rotation, entertaining personality or just overall a provider of a most special Karaoke experience, the “extras” provided by the nominees in their prospective areas make Karaoke better for all of us. So please be sure to vote for your favorite KJ…they deserve it!

Please bear in mind that the more votes that are cast, the more representative the results. You may vote online at KaraokeScene.com. The voting begins on May 15th and lasts until June 30th. In the interest of fairness, only one vote per email address and two votes per IP address will be accepted. Again, the “KJ of the Year Awards” depend on YOU, the Karaoke community, to participate and let those KJs who are worthy know that you appreciate their efforts. They are there for you; you should be there for them!

COMING SOON, the mother of all Karaoke singing contests…on July 5th, the prestigious “Crème de la Crème” singing competition will “kick off” with singers from all over Southern California (and beyond) competing for thousands in cash and prizes and the coveted title of “Male & Female Karaoke Vocalist of the Year” plus all that goes with it. As many of you know, our 2009 Male Karaoke Vocalist of the Year winner last year went on to win $250,000 at Oprah’s Karaoke Challenge on national television; and more recently, Clint J. Gamboa, our 2010 Male Karaoke Vocalist of the Year made it to the top 24 on American Idol.

Also starting in July will be the Crème de la Kids junior singing competition for those 17 years old and younger. And in August comes the colorful and exciting Crème de la King competition for all Elvis impersonators.

Don’t miss your chance to compete and become a singing star! All of the details for all contests will be available at KaraokeScene.com and in our coming June/July issue.

We are currently in the process of selecting the venues for our 3 KaraokeFest 2011 singing competitions, the Crème de la Crème, the Crème de la Kids and the fabulous Crème de la King. The number of hosting locations is limited so if you would like your venue to be considered, please contact Karaoke Scene at the number or email address listed below before May 1st.

KaraokeFest 2011 Expo will again offer a golden opportunity for Karaoke related businesses to exhibit and sell their products. The “Expo” area will be located adjacent to where our main show will be held and totally accessible to the tens of thousands in attendance. There will be an estimated 100,000+ people at the L.A. County Fair that day so exhibitors are sure to receive maximum exposure.

Major sponsorship positions for KaraokeFest 2011 are also available to qualified companies.

For sponsorship information, contest venue information or to reserve your “Expo” booth, please call (714) 826-2212 or email us at info@KaraokeScene.com. Space and time are limited so be sure to contact us now!

Don’t forget to subscribe now to the “Digital Edition” of Karaoke Scene Magazine. The “DE” offers everything that appears in our print edition and much more. And it is always available to you online 24-7. Go to http://KaraokeSceneMagazine.com to subscribe now. And best of all, it’s FREE!

And don’t forget our newest innovation, apps for your iPhone and iPad are now available at the App Store. Now you can have instant access to Karaoke Scene Magazine 24-7, right in the palm of your hand, wherever you are. Want to know who offers Karaoke shows on a given night? Grab your iPhone or iPad and check it out. Want to review an article or check out an ad for a product or service? Grab your iPhone or iPad and check it out. What could be cooler than that?

We sometimes get inquiries as to what the founder of Karaoke Scene Magazine, Dennis Snyder, is doing lately. Well, here goes. Dennis has been working with his fabulous “Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young tribute band and is currently involved with a new project:

On May 14th and 15th hundreds of musicians and fans of classic rock will descend on the Airtel Plaza Hotel in Van Nuys, CA to celebrate the timeless rock music of the last fifty years. Tribute acts to popular bands like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Journey, 80’s bands and dozens more will showcase on three or more stages throughout the weekend. Top talent buyers from summer concerts, casinos, resorts and nightclubs from around the country will have an opportunity to effectively one-stop-shop for the cream of tribute talent.

“There’s a reason Tribute Band’s are hugely popular at thousands of live music venues” says Dennis Snyder, co-producer of the event. “The music of the 60’s through the 90’s remains a solid draw yet many of the original bands from this era are no longer together or are very expensive.” Tribute acts help fill this demand at a fraction of the cost.

As press time approaches for print magazines a “Bands for Japan” tribute show is being organized to benefit those affected by the recent tragedies in Japan. It is tentatively scheduled for the evening of Saturday May 14th. Go to TributeExpo.com for more info when it becomes available.

Tribute Expo
Saturday and Sunday May 14 & 15, 2011
Airtel Plaza Hotel, Van Nuys, CA ( http://airtelplaza.com )
Hours: 10am to 6pm
Public Admission: $10 a day or $15 for both days

Talent buyers are encouraged to call ahead and get in on VIP perks including a complimentary hotel breakfast and much more. Bands wishing to participate please contact us via email.


Posted in Updates • April 1st, 2011   

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