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Karaoke Scene – What's New

Current Events for Karaoke Scene

Publisher’s Note: April & May 2019


We are currently in the planning process for the new SongBurst singing competition, coming in July. We will provide all details at www.KaraokeScene.com as soon as available and in the next issue of Karaoke Scene Magazine, so please stay tuned for that. (Here’s a hint… our “category” contest last year was a huge hit with everybody… so stay tuned for some big ...

Publisher’s Note: February & March 2019

february march

We are currently in the process of putting together this year’s singing competitions. We will provide details at www.KaraokeScene.com as soon as available and in the next issue of Karaoke Scene Magazine, so please stay tuned for that. (Here’s a hint… we had such a great response to our SongBurst Category Singing Competition last year contest we are leaning in that ...

Publisher’s Note: December 2018 & January 2019


We are currently in the process of formulating our 2019 singing competition schedules. As always, the number of hosting locations will necessarily be limited so if you would like your venue to be considered, please contact Karaoke Scene at the number or email address listed below at your earliest opportunity. The sooner we hear from you, the better your choice of ...

Publisher’s Note: October & November 2018

October November 2018

SongBurst 2018 was a huge success! As most of you know, this was a “category” singing competition featuring 6 separate and distinct genres of music including: Rock, R&B/Soul, Country, Top 40, Oldies, and Showtunes/Standards. The qualifying rounds took place at 6 individual venues throughout Southern California and lasted most of the summer. The 36 Finalists ...

Publishers Note: August & September 2018

august september 2018

The SongBurst Category Singing Competition continues throughout the month of August, and is it ever exciting! People are loving this new format and, best of all, there is still plenty of time to enter.

The 6 venues hosting this contest each offer competition in 2 categories:

STANDARDS/SHOWTUNES and OLDIES will be hosted at Westminster Lanes and Piano ...

Publisher’s Note: June & July 2018


“IT’S CONTEST TIME!” That usually means KaraokeFest is coming, but not this time. We have postponed the next KaraokeFest until summer of 2019.

Instead, Karaoke Scene is presenting the latest version of our exciting SONGBURST Singing Competition. This time it will be a category competition embracing 6 genres of music. The categories include: Standards/Showtunes, Oldies, R&B/Soul, ...

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