KARAOKE SCENE MAGAZINE ONLINE! - oneofakind864 performs dont leave me this way on Karaoke Showcase - OK- this is probably going to go over with many of you like onions and chocolate. I have never quite figured out why "Disco" out of all the music in the world inspired such strong feelings. You either love it or hate it- but I don't know anyone who is ambivalent to it. I happen to be in the first category- It brings back warm memories of when I was an adolescent who couldn't wait to be old enough to go to places like studio 54(Of course it closed down before I actually WAS old enough Waaagghhhh!) I remember holding a either a spoon or a hairbrush for a mic and pretending that I was Donna Summer, Gloria Gaynor, or the lady who did this song-Thelma Houston. So if you don't like disco- move on to another sub- but if this genre brings back fond memories of the funkiest period in dance history- press listen and get yo boogie on! Disco never dies in my book!
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.: dont leave me this way :.

profile of oneofakind864
Date Submitted:  2007-07-05 [Archive Date: 2007-10-03]
Genre:  General
Original Artist:  Thelma Houston
Additional Info:  Disc Mfg:    Disc #:  
Description:  OK- this is probably going to go over with many of you like onions and chocolate. I have never quite figured out why "Disco" out of all the music in the world inspired such strong feelings. You either love it or hate it- but I don't know anyone who is ambivalent to it. I happen to be in the first category- It brings back warm memories of when I was an adolescent who couldn't wait to be old enough to go to places like studio 54(Of course it closed down before I actually WAS old enough Waaagghhhh!) I remember holding a either a spoon or a hairbrush for a mic and pretending that I was Donna Summer, Gloria Gaynor, or the lady who did this song-Thelma Houston. So if you don't like disco- move on to another sub- but if this genre brings back fond memories of the funkiest period in dance history- press listen and get yo boogie on! Disco never dies in my book!
Overall Rank:  5 of 5
Total Comments:  31
Listen:    Sorry, this submission has been archived.

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Comment by: NJSongBird (Total comments: 7  Submissions: 0) Thu, Jul 5th, 2007 
NJSongBird Paula, well, I am a disco fool! I grew up when disco was hot, hot, hot! I remember my parents got me a record player that looked like a jukebox & it had flashing lights & I used to watch & I forgot the names of the shows, but the ones where they danced on roller skates to disco music & got judged & the one where they danced to disco music & my mom got me the album of the guy who taught John Travolta how to dance for his movie & boy how I practiced . . . ah, the memories this brought back! Disco Rules & so do you - you sound absolutely groovy baby! Shagadelic!!!! Hugz, Donna
Reply: OMG!!! I had 1 of those jukebox record players TOO.Then in '76 I graduated to 1 with "real" separate speakers! Thought I was all THAT!! LOL The roller skate show was Solid Gold w/ Dionne Warwicke & the 1 where they danced & got judged was "Dance fever" hosted by Denny Terrio-who taught John Travolta (BOY did I have a crush on him!) LOL- I can't believe you made me remember those!! Way Cool- I think I might have to post some more disco- seems it's not a dead as I thought! Thanks for sharing!-Pau
Comment by: fiery (Total comments: 331  Submissions: 5) Thu, Jul 5th, 2007 
fiery Hehe when I was a young un (less than 10) I had a HUGE stack of disco records my mom got me from the Salvation Army... so I was a big disco fan (although I've only recorded one disco song lol). I LOVE your voice on this, you've given it your own flavor... and I love that. It went over with me like chocolate... in fact more like a Skor bar (my fave kind). I love the Communards' remake of this too, but I don't know a guy who can sing high enough ... I know *I* can't! Was funny, the KJ played this in between singers last Saturday night and I was dancing and debating if I would be able to sing it or not... I'd have to drop it at least a couple I think, or I'd sound like a scalded cat haha. Loved this, listening twice ;)
Reply: Wink- you think THIS was in the original key??? NOT!!! Matter of fact- I saw Miss Thelma herself on Showtime at the Apollo and SHE'S dropped it a few steps from the original. It's a fun song but I HAD to ad lib- there was NO way I could memorize all Miss T's adlibs and changes so it was easier to just do my own. Glad you liked them! If you want a good disco song w/ bang for the buck try Miss T's version of "Never can Say Goodbye" then move on to this one! Good to see ya here checkin it out-Paula
Comment by: morgan102 (Total comments: 274  Submissions: 54) Thu, Jul 5th, 2007 
morgan102 Hi Paula.Disco is a form of music that was outstanding.So called rock bands got jealous of its success and started making t-shirts that downgraded disco.I guess they forgot where their roots came from...and that was the blues which is a relative of disco and from the 50's rock and roll.If it was'nt for the blues in the old cotton field s and gins house's... we all would doing the beer barrel polka...which aint bad lol.Good music is good music.Turn the beat around,more than a women,bad girls,ymca,we are family.The list goes on and on.These songs are as good as any songs today and a lot more fun.... i think better than some of the music of today....as a matter of fact ...i know....better.I loved your rendition of this great song.By the way ...this song is better than a lot of songs today.Morgan.
Reply: I agree but I've caught so much flack 4 being a disco queen that I always temper my love for it with a warning-like I did here. I think it's better than most music today 2- there were several disco songs that were no substance fluff tunes - but then there were the greats like the ones you mentioned & Barry White w/ his love unlimited orchestra-Ahhh now THAT's music! Bad girls huh? I think I have that 1 recorded somewhere. Maybe I'll sub it in awhile. Those are great suggestions! Thanks!-Paula
Comment by: Connie (Total comments: 1951  Submissions: 340) Thu, Jul 5th, 2007 
Connie This has to be my favorite disco song. I remember hearing this at the bars back in the 70's a few years before I got married. After that, I didn't get back into the bars until the 90's when I discovered karaoke. lol This was FABULOUS, Paula. Geeze, it gave me the chills, it was so darn GOOD! A 10!
Reply: Thanks So much Connie..I love it when I can bring back some good mem'ries. We have the same taste in music- it was one of my favorites too! Chills huh?? Yayyyyyy! I'm glad you like it! -Paula
Comment by: Suzanne Lanoue (Total comments: 4344  Submissions: 479) Thu, Jul 5th, 2007 
Suzanne Lanoue You did a fabulous job on this!!!! As for what you said. Well, let me tell ya...I was a teen, too, during those years. They had lots of great music in the 70's. When disco got really big in the late 70's, it took over and the top 40 stations didn't play much else. I like some disco, in small quantities. It does not have the harmonies that other 70's music has. There is a lot of crappy disco music they played back then. I particularly hate KC and the Sunshine Band. So basically I stopped listening to Top 40 completely for 2 years, and started listening to what they called MOR or adult-oriented stations, and oldies stations. And i had a t-shirt that said "Disco Sucks". :) Now I do like disco better than then, again in small quantities. A lot of it is just really repetitive and the beat is more important than the melodies and harmonies. I like the latter better. Actually I feel the same way about any "dance" music. Fine in small quantities, great if you're dancing, but otherwise..
Reply: LOL-make that ROFLMAO- I SOO agree with you about KC. Even Donna herself put out a few stinkers! (Love to love you baby sounded like the soundtrack to a bad porn flick!) But I still love disco.It's infectious with that driving beat & if you can find a decent vocal to go with it then it's all good in my book. But then again - "I'm" sooo biased. My hubby likes alternative rock- so you can imagine how well He liked this. LOL- He said it sucked!!(snicker) That made this sub all the more fun!

oneofakind864 performs dont leave me this way on Karaoke Showcase of Karaoke Scene Magazine Online: oneofakind864 performs dont leave me this way on Karaoke Showcase - OK- this is probably going to go over with many of you like onions and chocolate. I have never quite figured out why "Disco" out of all the music in the world inspired such strong feelings. You either love it or hate it- but I don't know anyone who is ambivalent to it. I happen to be in the first category- It brings back warm memories of when I was an adolescent who couldn't wait to be old enough to go to places like studio 54(Of course it closed down before I actually WAS old enough Waaagghhhh!) I remember holding a either a spoon or a hairbrush for a mic and pretending that I was Donna Summer, Gloria Gaynor, or the lady who did this song-Thelma Houston. So if you don't like disco- move on to another sub- but if this genre brings back fond memories of the funkiest period in dance history- press listen and get yo boogie on! Disco never dies in my book!
dont leave me this way, oneofakind864, Singer, singers, Karaoke Showcase, Karaoke Showcase, karaoke, Karaoke Scene, singing, songs, submissions, member, members, song, title

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