KARAOKE SCENE MAGAZINE ONLINE! - dumbdrums performs Patience on Karaoke Showcase - sad woman take it slow and things will be just fine (you know) all you need is just a little patience... for my new bud Mels
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.: Patience :.

profile of dumbdrums
Date Submitted:  2007-07-02 [Archive Date: 2007-09-30]
Genre:  General
Original Artist:  Guns and Roses
Additional Info:  Disc Mfg:    Disc #:  
Description:  sad woman take it slow and things will be just fine (you know) all you need is just a little patience... for my new bud Mels
Overall Rank:  Rank Unavailable
Total Comments:  18
Listen:    Sorry, this submission has been archived.

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.: Comments & Ranks :.

Comment by: countrykitten (Total comments: 83  Submissions: 4) Mon, Jul 9th, 2007 
countrykitten oh boy...kickin some serious butt on this one....hot dang this is good.. I quit cigs(2 pks a day) cold turkey going on 7 yrs ago. it is a mind control thing..try to stay away from any that do it,until your strong enough to handle the temptation, when the urge starts to pop in your head, replace it quickly with another thought...and remember, your doing it for YOU..because YOU want to...lots of gum...and peppermints...it may be rough at first..but you CAN DO IT !!!!. Loved my listen to your great singing !!!
Reply: good for you cathi !! im gonna take your advice and when i get a craving im gonna replace it with another thought, like i wish i had some weed..just kiddin kitten, im proud to say im drug and alcohol free for 10 years now...cigs are soon to join that list..thanks for your words of encouragement, you are really nice !!
Comment by: Foxe (Total comments: 212  Submissions: 12) Sat, Jul 7th, 2007 
Foxe =) woohooo had to get another Mikey fix :) another awesome sing hon!! :) how's it going for ya?? Hope the nonsmoking is still going as scheduled!!! almost a week now!! you can do this :) xx
Reply: im doin it! almost 2 weeks and to be honest, i sneek 1 or 2 each day but compared to a pack, thats huge !! thanks for comin by foxe i hope i "fixed" whatever you needed...great to see ya !!
Comment by: ~RUSH~ (Total comments: 222  Submissions: 0) Fri, Jul 6th, 2007 
~RUSH~ Yo Mike!~! Nice to cya again dude!~! VERY kewl version of this song!~! Great to have another rocker on here... :-)
Reply: wow i totally missed all these comments..not to sound like a broken record......er i guess its now "not to sound like a broken cd" but thanks rush, i totally dig being in da club rocker wit ya !
Comment by: OHIO TOM (Total comments: 254  Submissions: 94) Tue, Jul 3rd, 2007 
OHIO TOM What a great song for a great fit situation, the number of days that go by, the percentages you give yourself go up exponentially each day/week/years added on the back side... Good Luck and great, great sing! Tom
Reply: so much advice! you all are kick ass ! thank you tom. you are an old familiar face and i appreciate you for sticking around my subs. i have so little time to listen but you also are on my to listen list! thanks !!
Comment by: lenny (Total comments: 2852  Submissions: 302) Tue, Jul 3rd, 2007 
lenny Hi Mikey, definately need Patience when trying to stop smoking, cause the third time for me was the charm, first time one year , 2nd time 3 years now 20 years , and yes the air is much fresher and the food more tastier , and like Luly, my ex wife died last year a two pack a day smoker from Cancer, enjoyed this song I'm listening to the first time and your fabulous performance...lenny
Reply: hey lenny !!! sorry for your loss..like i told luly there are way too many stories involving death from smoking. i hope i have erased my name off that list ! thank you so much for the encouragement and congrats on your strength to kick a bad habit. you rock lenny !

dumbdrums performs Patience on Karaoke Showcase of Karaoke Scene Magazine Online: dumbdrums performs Patience on Karaoke Showcase - sad woman take it slow and things will be just fine (you know) all you need is just a little patience... for my new bud Mels
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