Karaoke Showcase
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Shunn performs Yellow Ledbetter PEARL JAM on Karaoke Showcase of Karaoke Scene Magazine Online: Shunn performs Yellow Ledbetter PEARL JAM on Karaoke Showcase - This has been one of my favorite songs since I first heard it on the back side of a Pearl Jam single. It's one of the best songs I've ever heard. This cut is lacking due to the fact that my brand new (4 months or so) CDG player has now blown something that i have been unable to fix. I believe we have slightly unstable electricity in the house and the strip I had this on is not a safe enough to have protected the player. Now my vocals come out a bit too background oriented. Unadjustable. Oh well. Yellow Ledbetter PEARL JAM, Shunn, Singer, singers, Karaoke Showcase, Karaoke Showcase, karaoke, Karaoke Scene, singing, songs, submissions, member, members, song, title