KARAOKE SCENE MAGAZINE ONLINE! - Davo performs Bring Him Home on Karaoke Showcase - From the great Broadway play "Les Miserable." May all your loved ones serving our country in the military come home safe and sound..
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.: Bring Him Home :.

profile of Davo
Date Submitted:  2019-02-04 [Archive Date: 2019-05-05]
Genre:  Show Tunes/Musicals
Original Artist:  Many
Additional Info:  Disc Mfg:    Disc #:  
Description:  From the great Broadway play "Les Miserable." May all your loved ones serving our country in the military come home safe and sound..
dedication Dedication to: All those serving overseas.
Overall Rank:  Rank Unavailable
Total Comments:  5
Listen:    Listen  [Be certain that Pop-ups are not blocked]

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.: Comments & Ranks :.

Comment by: DjFever (Total comments: 98  Submissions: 29) Sat, Feb 9th, 2019 
DjFever Simply Beautiful, Les Mis is my favorite musical of all time.
Reply: Thank you...It's one of my favorites as well.
Comment by: Jerry (Total comments: 3754  Submissions: 709) Wed, Feb 6th, 2019 
Jerry Hi Dave...great to hear you...and, you've picked such a simple song to sing...NOT! ha...Excellent my friend.
Reply: Hi Jerry...Thanks so much for listening and your kind words.
Comment by: Jerry (Total comments: 3754  Submissions: 709) Wed, Feb 6th, 2019 
Jerry Hi Dave...great to hear you...and, you've picked such a simple song to sing...NOT! ha...Excellent my friend.
Comment by: Gofer (Total comments: 228  Submissions: 34) Tue, Feb 5th, 2019 
Gofer Wow Dave... this is just a beautiful tribute to our current soldiers, who are giving their all, for our great nation. A beautiful and heart-felt sing. ~ Dale~
Reply: Thank you gofer. I was really surprised how well the lyrics to this song are so suited for the military today. It seems war is war no matter what century it is fought.
Comment by: BevB (Total comments: 3688  Submissions: 231) Tue, Feb 5th, 2019 
BevB Hi Dave, you did a beautiful job here. Enjoyed my listen this morning. :)
Reply: Thanks Bev..Always great to hear from you.

Davo performs Bring Him Home on Karaoke Showcase of Karaoke Scene Magazine Online: Davo performs Bring Him Home on Karaoke Showcase - From the great Broadway play "Les Miserable." May all your loved ones serving our country in the military come home safe and sound..
Bring Him Home, Davo, Singer, singers, Karaoke Showcase, Karaoke Showcase, karaoke, Karaoke Scene, singing, songs, submissions, member, members, song, title

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