Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

The Absent Karaoke Inquisition!
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Author:  toqer [ Fri Oct 20, 2023 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  The Absent Karaoke Inquisition!

Is a law a law if nobody enforces it?

For years we were told, "You better not pirate! The Karaoke Inquisition is going to show up at your venue, shut down your show, sue you into oblivion!" and we were also told, "The only way to salvation is to spend the money! Buy your salvation!" All the way out here in California, I minded my P's and Q's the 13 years I ran a business. 100% legitimate. We didn't pirate a single track. I really WANTED to break out of my venue, but I couldn't. The competition was way too fierce from guys I knew that pirated. Those guys are still in business today, I went back to IT for a living (Doing quite well actually, 6 figures, 100% remote, I just sit here until solarwinds sends me an email about one of my servers)

We can also talk about "Oh but wait! You SHIFTED MEDIA" Again, this is a non-starter. Not one single person I knew in the SF Bay area was EVER in trouble for media shifting, let alone karaoke piracy.

So to ad nauseum here, I propose that piracy isn't actually illegal here.

Law enforcement is more than happy to arrest people for knock off designer purses, they just don't care about karaoke.
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/16/nyre ... dbags.html

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