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Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request
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Author:  Bob Latshaw [ Sat Mar 16, 2019 6:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

Lonman wrote:
Bob Latshaw wrote:
Unless the song is very new, it should be safe to assume that a KJ would have it.
Pretty blanketed statement - unless you are talking pirate shows. I get requests all the time for songs that I do not yet have that have been out for a while. I see kj's posting lists of their 'new' songs every week that i've had for years that they are just now getting. I would never assume a kj has a song I want to sing just because it's been out for a while, I would (as a singer) want to browse their selection either by phone app, kiosk or plain old fashioned printed book (which is my all time preference). When I can see their selection it might give me other ideas or might even see something i've wanted to sing but no one has ever had before.
Now if you could incorporate something for singer history that would show everything they've done (with key change, how many times, last time, if they added it to try next time, etc) from their phone, THAT would be something.

I've been singing for a couple decades in Baltimore and I haven't heard the words "I don't have that song" in ages, but I'm 51 and I sing well known songs from the 70s and 80s. Also, the piracy issue is definitely existent here as I know it is in all major cities. I'm sure if I ventured out into Trump country I'd see what you're talking about, but I still believe it's generally true across the country.

Seriously though, be proud to be legal. Not just to cover your butt legally, but because it's the right thing to do. I just think because you've been legal for so long, you may have forgotten how rampant it is out there. The truth is, most KJs on the planet have most of the most popular songs ever made. It's just a fact. You don't have to like it, but if you're going to be in this business, you have to acknowledge it.

Over the years I have learned that there is this invisible bubble of denial about the piracy problem on this forum (and others). The people who have been there the longest and speak the most (like you) are usually completely legal. You have to be if you're going to be a public figure in the karaoke world (and a working KJ). Meanwhile, well over 90% of the KJs who are reading your posts are staying quiet because they didn't pay for all their tracks. I can speak about this stuff because I'm not a KJ. I don't play music in public. If I have a copy of a song I didn't pay for, no one is too concerned about it. You guys however have to really cover your butts. Companies like Sound Choice have made the landscape like a minefield, and I hate to say, but it needed to happen. Just like the kiosk problem, the piracy problem has perplexed me for years, and I'm not claiming the stuff we're doing with ShowLicense.com is going to completely fix the problem, we have to keep moving the bar forward until we do. I want to live in a world where American companies like Sound Choice can offer legal downloads and compete with the European companies, but the music publishers won't let them, and rightfully so when there's no protection. Hopefully we can turn that around. We too want to offer direct downloads, and we will with public domain stuff at first, but eventually Artists and publishers are going to have to pick a system of trust (like iTunes) and go with it.

In 2012, the music publishers were fooled into thinking music "rental" in the karaoke world was the future. It wasn't. Now they're gun shy. The folks at Karaoke Cloud convinced them they were the smartest guys in the room, and turns out they were wrong.

Author:  mrmarog [ Sat Mar 16, 2019 7:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

Bob Latshaw wrote:
Seriously though, be proud to be legal. Not just to cover your butt legally, but because it's the right thing to do. I just think because you've been legal for so long, you may have forgotten how rampant it is out there. The truth is, most KJs on the planet have most of the most popular songs ever made. It's just a fact. You don't have to like it, but if you're going to be in this business, you have to acknowledge it.

Over the years I have learned that there is this invisible bubble of denial about the piracy problem on this forum (and others). The people who have been there the longest and speak the most (like you) are usually completely legal. You have to be if you're going to be a public figure in the karaoke world (and a working KJ). Meanwhile, well over 90% of the KJs who are reading your posts are staying quiet because they didn't pay for all their tracks. I can speak about this stuff because I'm not a KJ. I don't play music in public. If I have a copy of a song I didn't pay for, no one is too concerned about it. You guys however have to really cover your butts. Companies like Sound Choice have made the landscape like a minefield, and I hate to say, but it needed to happen. Just like the kiosk problem, the piracy problem has perplexed me for years, and I'm not claiming the stuff we're doing with ShowLicense.com is going to completely fix the problem, we have to keep moving the bar forward until we do. I want to live in a world where American companies like Sound Choice can offer legal downloads and compete with the European companies, but the music publishers won't let them, and rightfully so when there's no protection. Hopefully we can turn that around. We too want to offer direct downloads, and we will with public domain stuff at first, but eventually Artists and publishers are going to have to pick a system of trust (like iTunes) and go with it.

In 2012, the music publishers were fooled into thinking music "rental" in the karaoke world was the future. It wasn't. Now they're gun shy. The folks at Karaoke Cloud convinced them they were the smartest guys in the room, and turns out they were wrong.

Five to ten years ago this forum was much busier than it is today. Why? Because we have exposed a huge amount of posters as pirates. I don't know how many still lurk in the shadows but they don't seem to post much.

Several of us posted photos of our collections as proof to our statements of ownership, but today with downloads and leasing it doesn't work so well. I hope that someday we can all boast of our contributions to the music world and keep it alive and well.

Author:  Brian A [ Sat Mar 16, 2019 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

mrmarog wrote:
Several of us posted photos of our collections as proof to our statements of ownership, but today with downloads and leasing it doesn't work so well. I hope that someday we can all boast of our contributions to the music world and keep it alive and well.

Totally agree! 8) I'm one of those guys who posted photos my 25 years of oem cdg collections.

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Sat Mar 16, 2019 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

Bob Latshaw wrote:
Piotr is a nice guy (who needs suggestions). I completely agree. Personally I like to buy things from companies who already know what they're doing.

they have been ahead of you for years.
low CPU usage
graphics improvements
on the fly cdg playing
remote requests...
Bob Latshaw wrote:
Karaosoft customers get that.

there are more threads on every karaoke site with people needing help fixing Karma than any other software out there. they don't get anything but lip from the developer and the need to ask others to fix his broken software.
Bob Latshaw wrote:
Power Karaoke customers don't.

the power software works, consistently, and with new features before Karma. they get a lot.

Bob Latshaw wrote:
...and they don't take all suggestions.

of course not, no company takes all suggestions.
it has been suggested that you treat customers with respect, yet you don't take that suggestion.
Bob Latshaw wrote:
Clearly they didn't take the suggestion that asked them to make an app that doesn't look like crap and is intuitive.

think what you want of the interface, i can customize it to for the needs of my show and my singers which Karma cannot because a host must only like things the way Bob does or they are an idiot.
it is intuitive to use, what to add a song, click "add song"
want to add a singer, click "add singer"
want to play the song, click "play" (which the "play" button does not play in Karma which i can not figure out)
put windows where you want them, resize them as you want to.
and just the fact that you admit to never trying it means you have no idea what you are talking about.

Author:  Bob Latshaw [ Sun Mar 17, 2019 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

mrmarog wrote:
Five to ten years ago this forum was much busier than it is today. Why? Because we have exposed a huge amount of posters as pirates. I don't know how many still lurk in the shadows but they don't seem to post much.

Pirates aren't the problem. They're only a symptom of the problem.

Author:  johnreynolds [ Mon Mar 18, 2019 2:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

So.....THIS is the BOB dude everyone hates?

I pictured he'd look like a grumpy old ancient crabby guy with facial hair.
Instead we get a middle-aged man that matches the DB/ JO part....smh.

Can't tell you just HOW MANY KJs i know have dropped his crappy old outdated Karma, or at least 20+ more i know never wanted to do business with this arrogant worst-service-EVER SH just by sheer BAD reputation. :no: :no: :no:

I don't know you personally Bobby... but there are MANY threads/posts about you screwing over many KJs and treating them like crap...behind your keyboard. I'm surprised you're still healthy because of the rants on you I've repeatedly heard. Btw, I've never thought for a second of buying anything you've ever offered. so you could revoke a license if someone asked a question or offered a suggestion. Ridiculous. Stupid even. Hard to fathom such nonsense that comes from a stupor- ego like that.

What trauma happened to you? WHY the crappy attitude towards your own customers? I know It wasn't CHIP STALEY's fault....you were talked BADLY about L-O-N-G BEFORE Chip ever started telling the truth about you and your business practices......you should retire and save your money BOB...why waste your time and money "upgrading" your software to try and catch up with the big boy developers....too little too late gomer. Don't wanna be like SC was now do ya???? :lol:

And how dare you speak badly about Paradigm... i've been to his shows and what he says is 100% truth. Probably one of the best shows in the U.S.. And the fact that he's corrected you 7-15 times already makes me admire him even more. Dude. Pack it in. Retire. Learn to meditate or medicate.

-late night rant over. Have a nice day :) -john

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Mon Mar 18, 2019 5:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

johnreynolds wrote:
So.....THIS is the BOB dude everyone hates?

I pictured he'd look like a grumpy old ancient crabby guy with facial hair.
Instead we get a middle-aged man that matches the DB/ JO part....smh.

Can't tell you just HOW MANY KJs i know have dropped his crappy old outdated Karma, or at least 20+ more i know never wanted to do business with this arrogant worst-service-EVER SH just by sheer BAD reputation. :no: :no: :no:

I don't know you personally Bobby... but there are MANY threads/posts about you screwing over many KJs and treating them like crap...behind your keyboard. I'm surprised you're still healthy because of the rants on you I've repeatedly heard. Btw, I've never thought for a second of buying anything you've ever offered. so you could revoke a license if someone asked a question or offered a suggestion. Ridiculous. Stupid even. Hard to fathom such nonsense that comes from a stupor- ego like that.

What trauma happened to you? WHY the crappy attitude towards your own customers? I know It wasn't CHIP STALEY's fault....you were talked BADLY about L-O-N-G BEFORE Chip ever started telling the truth about you and your business practices......you should retire and save your money BOB...why waste your time and money "upgrading" your software to try and catch up with the big boy developers....too little too late gomer. Don't wanna be like SC was now do ya???? :lol:

And how dare you speak badly about Paradigm... i've been to his shows and what he says is 100% truth. Probably one of the best shows in the U.S.. And the fact that he's corrected you 7-15 times already makes me admire him even more. Dude. Pack it in. Retire. Learn to meditate or medicate.

-late night rant over. Have a nice day :) -john

I have said it before: where is the like button when you need it. Perfect post John.

Author:  RLC [ Mon Mar 18, 2019 7:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

DannyG2006 wrote:
I have said it before: where is the like button when you need it. Perfect post John.

Danny, really?
You have been a member on this forum since Nov. 27th, 2005 and you still haven’t figured out where the like button is?
Danny, it is the “thumbs up “ button in the lower right hand side of each and every post.(except your own posts-guess they don't want you liking your own posts)

Author:  dvdgdry [ Mon Mar 18, 2019 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

RLC, it could be a browser problem with the button. I'll give him benefit of the doubt for now. Danny, try a different browser and see if you see the buttons.

I do like Songbookslive with Songlist Generator and have never had issue with them. Never used
any of the other offers. But, Bob, your reputation has proceeded you here. I would look at making amends even if I had to eat a little crow now and then, myself. We have all been mistaken at times and generally people eventually overlook them when exhibited by humility.

Author:  mrmarog [ Mon Mar 18, 2019 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

Bob Latshaw wrote:
I don't complain about the piracy problem either but I'm building something to fight it. What are you doing? Oh you shunned some KJs from this forum because they had tracks they didn't pay for? That must have been dreadful for them and difficult for you. You poor thing. Give me a break. You're not fixing the problem at all. You're just creating a wall and 90% of the KJs on the outside are calling you idiots behind your back. I'm not one of them, but's that's only because I'll call you an idiot to your face and for some reason they haven't yet banned me from this board for doing so. I really hope that's about to change. I do have better things to do.

Bob, I started this topic because I like and have used your products since 2008. You have beaten me up in the past and I have put it aside. But to attack me in a thread that I started, to promote a new feature for you, is insane.

To call me an idiot for doing the the right and moral thing by calling out pirates is no more ridiculous than saying you are doing your part against global warming by owning an electric car. Neither one of us have a measurable impact for our cause, but it is a contribution nonetheless.


Author:  DannyG2006 [ Tue Mar 19, 2019 2:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

Bob, I still say that your software is good software and if not for your treatment of me, I would still be using the two pieces that you gave me if you hadn't acted like a baby when I called you out in an out and out lie. Before then I would have paid for both of them on my own if I had no foreknowledge how you treat your customers who are only asking for your help. But things are the way they are. I have no interest in obtaining Karma. In fact I have no interest in paying for any karaoke playing software again. I have found the software that I want to use that jas it's own mobile phone request app to take requests from and even it in my opinion blows away the app that you are playing catchup with. My personal suggestion to you is to merge Songbooks Live with your request app and then you will have a winner.

Author:  Bob Latshaw [ Tue Mar 19, 2019 7:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

mrmarog wrote:
Bob Latshaw wrote:
I don't complain about the piracy problem either but I'm building something to fight it. What are you doing? Oh you shunned some KJs from this forum because they had tracks they didn't pay for? That must have been dreadful for them and difficult for you. You poor thing. Give me a break. You're not fixing the problem at all. You're just creating a wall and 90% of the KJs on the outside are calling you idiots behind your back. I'm not one of them, but that's only because I'll call you an idiot to your face, and for some reason they haven't yet banned me from this board for doing so. I really hope that's about to change. I do have better things to do.

Bob, I started this topic because I like and have used your products since 2008. You have beaten me up in the past and I have put it aside. But to attack me in a thread that I started, to promote a new feature for you, is insane.

To call me an idiot for doing the the right and moral thing by calling out pirates is no more ridiculous than saying you are doing your part against global warming by owning an electric car. Neither one of us have a measurable impact for our cause, but it is a contribution nonetheless.


I wasn't calling you an idiot. I'll call you one now though for your reading comprehension. "I'll" the way I used it is a contraction of "I will", meaning in the future or under different circumstances, etc... There's a big "if" that's automatically implied. Don't think I don't see that you're defending Karaosoft products, and it's appreciated, but I don't need anyone to defend me. I was born with a pair for a reason. So were you, and it's a shame more of your kind don't speak up in these dark corners of the web. When I say dark, I'm referring to color of some of the stuff spewing forth. Not you. You're cool. Anyone who promotes our stuff is ok in my book. Until they're not ok for some other reason, but that's not you. You'll know I truly think you're an idiot when I don't even read your posts anymore. Isn't that right Chip?

Author:  Bob Latshaw [ Tue Mar 19, 2019 7:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

johnreynolds wrote:
And how dare you speak badly about Paradigm...

How dare I speak badly about someone?

Let that sink in for a moment.

You're on an internet forum that allows free speech. It's what you're doing right now. Places like this are a cesspool of people doing just that, but Bob Latshaw needs to be on his best behavior? F you.

Author:  KJKILLER [ Tue Mar 19, 2019 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

cesspool?????I'm a deplorable, thank you very much. and you wonder why people think that you're an a$$hole!

Author:  johnreynolds [ Tue Mar 19, 2019 9:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

Bob Latshaw wrote:
johnreynolds wrote:
And how dare you speak badly about Paradigm...

How dare I speak badly about someone?

Let that sink in for a moment.

You're on an internet forum that allows free speech. It's what you're doing right now. Places like this are a cesspool of people doing just that, but Bob Latshaw needs to be on his best behavior? F you.


You've got a pair alright. a karaoSOFT Pair is right! :rotflmao:

Let THIS sink in. You've never been accused of having any BEST ANYTHING, namely your deplorable BEHAVIOR. :puke: Seriously, What kind of moron would treat his own customers like crap? Oh....an egomaniac trying to compensate for something. SMH.

Not quite so tough hiding behind your keyboard....putz. F-you back loser!

Oh, and have a nice day. :) Remember... Karma's a beeotch!

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Mar 19, 2019 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

Bob Latshaw wrote:
I've been singing for a couple decades in Baltimore and I haven't heard the words "I don't have that song" in ages, but I'm 51 and I sing well known songs from the 70s and 80s. Also, the piracy issue is definitely existent here as I know it is in all major cities. I'm sure if I ventured out into Trump country I'd see what you're talking about, but I still believe it's generally true across the country.
Well i'm no where close to 'Trump country lol, WA is a pretty hard core blue state for the most part. But I get requests all the time for back catalog stuff that either doesn't exist or is on OOP discs (that only kj's that bought every disc back in the 90's or only pirates would have today). MOSTLY the requests I get that I have to say "I dont have that" are for stuff not yet available. We don't get the typical stereotypical overdone karaoke songs sung as a rule.

Author:  Bob Latshaw [ Tue Mar 19, 2019 4:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

cesspool?????I'm a deplorable, thank you very much. and you wonder why people think that you're an a$$hole!

Why would I wonder? You think I'm blind? I'm quite aware most of you polite people think I'm an a-hole. I'm honest. Polite people have always hated honest people. It's the price we have to pay but we sure sleep a lot better at night. I don't need everyone to like me. You do. That's what makes us different. I'm an honest a-hole and you're a lying nice guy. I'd rather be trusted than have my butt kissed any day. Comes with a lot more dignity.

...and with dignity comes confidence, and with confidence comes progress. Where is your niceness getting you? ..on an internet forum acting as alter ego cool name "KJKILLER". Your parents must be proud.

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Wed Mar 20, 2019 5:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

Bob Latshaw wrote:
cesspool?????I'm a deplorable, thank you very much. and you wonder why people think that you're an a$$hole!

Why would I wonder? You think I'm blind? I'm quite aware most of you polite people think I'm an a-hole. I'm honest. Polite people have always hated honest people. It's the price we have to pay but we sure sleep a lot better at night. I don't need everyone to like me. You do. That's what makes us different. I'm an honest a-hole and you're a lying nice guy. I'd rather be trusted than have my butt kissed any day. Comes with a lot more dignity.

...and with dignity comes confidence, and with confidence comes progress. Where is your niceness getting you? ..on an internet forum acting as alter ego cool name "KJKILLER". Your parents must be proud.

If you don't need your butt kissed, then why act like our crybaby President everytime it seems you get your feelings hurt over flaws in your siftware that needs to be addressed? Did you fix the flaw in filemanager that creates bad zip files? Last I looked, you haven't.

Author:  KJKILLER [ Wed Mar 20, 2019 6:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

Jesus Christ! WTF does the POTUS have to do with this discussion? The only crybabies I see are the ones that have been crying because Hillary lost; TWO AND A HALF YEARS AGO. GET OVER IT!!!. Can we leave the politics out of karaoke please? Some people try so hard to throw cheap shots at the POTUS for any reason at all. There are plenty of message boards to talk about politics for pete's sake.

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Wed Mar 20, 2019 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaosoft Beta "Sing Next" Song Request

Jesus Christ! WTF does the POTUS have to do with this discussion? The only crybabies I see are the ones that have been crying because Hillary lost; TWO AND A HALF YEARS AGO. GET OVER IT!!!. Can we leave the politics out of karaoke please? Some people try so hard to throw cheap shots at the POTUS for any reason at all. There are plenty of message boards to talk about politics for pete's sake.

Trump's been a crybaby everytime there's a skitabout him on SNL making fun of him. And I was pointing out that Bob's tempetantrums were very simular to Trump's when he doesn't get his way. Just trying to tell Bob to leave his personal feelings out of anything to do with his business. If he did that then maybe he'd have a better reputation when it comes to customer service.

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