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Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??
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Author:  Toastedmuffin [ Thu May 31, 2018 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
Toastedmuffin wrote:
PEP isn't about going after pirates, at least as far as the industry is concerned. So long as the pirates don't have a hard drive full of SC or CB (Very unlikely I know), there isn't anything for them to sue over. Don't expect SC to be the police of the industry unless they can make a profit off it.

they actively asked for leads and have sued other legit hosts in areas where pirate leads have been given.
i know i have reported, but those pirates have never been touched while legit hosts and some different pirates were investigated.
it's the same story everywhere, reporting a pirate is like handing them immunity.

Toastedmuffin wrote:
As for the HELP program: I also don't understand why anyone would actively use PEP's HELP program over a subscription service. For the same $129/month, Karaoke Versions gives you more tracks and updates 5 days a week with new music.

because with the HELP program you get 200,000 songs

I SO agree about the immunity deal ::sigh:: no one I ever reported was ever bothered, however my friend who owned every CD they played was victim to a lawsuit. :(

As for the 200,000 songs... total old stock. It's 2018, I'm on Greatest Showman and stuff... The old stock is zero HELP to people like you and I.

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Thu May 31, 2018 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

remember...once you have the HELP license, they only care about SC.
you can still download all the new songs that you and i don't even have for free.

Author:  Cueball [ Thu May 31, 2018 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
because with the HELP program you get 200,000 songs

Not quite... HELP is NOT giving you the use of 200,00 song tracks. It's all on you as to how you obtain the use of 200,000 song tracks (or whatever number of tracks you manage to obtain). With the HELP program, you get to have PEP/SC look the other way when you are not 1:1 or you do not have the original discs.

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Fri Jun 01, 2018 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

cueball wrote:
Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
because with the HELP program you get 200,000 songs

Not quite... HELP is NOT giving you the use of 200,00 song tracks. It's all on you as to how you obtain the use of 200,000 song tracks (or whatever number of tracks you manage to obtain). With the HELP program, you get to have PEP/SC look the other way when you are not 1:1 or you do not have the original discs.

precisely my point.
he was saying "As for the HELP program: I also don't understand why anyone would actively use PEP's HELP program over a subscription service. For the same $129/month, Karaoke Versions gives you more tracks and updates 5 days a week with new music."
which is untrue, if they are getting the HELP license, they already stole all their music. you can easily download anything you want through torrents including the newest discs from Zoom, Mr Entertainer, Sunfly, SBI, etc for free.
with a streaming service you can not get all the SC only tracks, but with HELP you can and still get everything else that would be on that streaming service for free.

Author:  Buster79 [ Fri Jun 01, 2018 2:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

HELP license is only SC/PEP turning a blind eye though, nothing stopping anyone else taking legal action.

Author:  Lonman [ Fri Jun 01, 2018 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

GenerationX wrote:
HELP license is only SC/PEP turning a blind eye though, nothing stopping anyone else taking legal action.
Who else would take legal action? Kj's are small potatoes - only time i've ever seen a kj get named in a lawsuit that was using all burned discs in a club being sued by ASCAP (or BMI) for not paying their performance fees about 25 years ago.

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Sat Jun 02, 2018 3:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

GenerationX wrote:
HELP license is only SC/PEP turning a blind eye though, nothing stopping anyone else taking legal action.

and that was precisely my point.

Author:  The Lone Ranger [ Sat Jun 02, 2018 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

Lonman wrote:
GenerationX wrote:
HELP license is only SC/PEP turning a blind eye though, nothing stopping anyone else taking legal action.
Who else would take legal action? Kj's are small potatoes - only time i've ever seen a kj get named in a lawsuit that was using all burned discs in a club being sued by ASCAP (or BMI) for not paying their performance fees about 25 years ago.

8) Such small potatoes that it is truly bottom feeding on SC/PEP's part. Anytime they want to beat the legal drum, old Jimbo shows up with some new line of baloney. Baloney no matter how you slice it is still BALONEY. Sure you can fry it up in a pan, but it is still BALONEY.
Pretty soon they might have to eat their own one trick pony, then they will really be out of business.

Author:  Toastedmuffin [ Sat Jun 02, 2018 6:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

Truth is if you are going to steal music, you're going to steal it regardless of what brand it is. As I've said, a pirate who doesn't use SC/CB products (although unlikely) would be free and clear of PEP's lawsuits.

But since I am only referring to SC/PEP's HELP license in this case... you are better off spending the $129 with KV services.

If for some reason a pirate suddenly decided they want to get legal (yeah, right), a reoccurring subscription with access to new and legal music works better then a contracted monthly trademark license rental. After all is really what HELP is: PEP won't sue over trademark infringement, but you're still responsible with BMI, ASCAP, etc..

Author:  BT Magic [ Sat Jun 02, 2018 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

" Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney?? "

Not only nay, but HELL nay!!!

Author:  dvdgdry [ Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

PEP/SC is irrelevant. It is unbelievable just how much attention they garner on this site and threads of which even I have participated in.

The only redeeming aspect I find about them and what they have done and try to do is that some of us have learned a bit about law and litigation. Even at that, I consider it has been a waste of my precious time and yours, too.

Their HELP license really sullied their entire business in my eyes. They eagerly grabbed hold of becoming the EVIL EMPIRE. They now rule over squat. Where is that poop emoji? I need one for them.

Author:  jdmeister [ Mon Jun 04, 2018 5:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

dvdgdry wrote:
PEP/SC is irrelevant. It is unbelievable just how much attention they garner on this site and threads of which even I have participated in.

The only redeeming aspect I find about them and what they have done and try to do is that some of us have learned a bit about law and litigation. Even at that, I consider it has been a waste of my precious time and yours, too.

Their HELP license really sullied their entire business in my eyes. They eagerly grabbed hold of becoming the EVIL EMPIRE. They now rule over squat. Where is that poop emoji? I need one for them.

poop.jpg [ 16.86 KiB | Viewed 37460 times ]

Author:  mrmarog [ Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

Sound Choice Limited Time And Limited Quantity... Ya Right!

To take advantage of this limited opportunity, you must call or email us.



Several months now and still going

Author:  Brian A [ Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

Eyebrow raising moment from sc email of 6/12/2018

"In a four-hour show, you can only play about 60 songs, so you don't need to have tens of thousands of songs - you just need the RIGHT songs! And the GEM Series includes 99% of the songs you need.

You will be eligible to purchase future Sound Choice® produced songs at a substantial discount.

When we contact venues in your area we will put you on a referral list for karaoke services; our KJs tell us this is one of their favorite aspects of being a licensee.

Everything is going to subscription (aka "the pay forever plan") as you have likely seen with many other programs you might utilize in your personal and professional lives. That is the license model that major publishers are pushing as well and the model that we will be going to soon for our GEM product. However, you can take advantage of this special and get your copy of the GEM Series now before the remaining sets become available only under a subscription".

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

I can say out of my songs that are done over the years - the GEM comes no where close to handling 99% of them. "Maybe" 50% if I were to guesstimate and that MIGHT be a generous guess, i'd have to compare my top 500 lists to the GEM list.

Author:  Alan B [ Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

I have purchased and own all of my karaoke tracks. I would never rent my music or pay for a subscription service.

Now I know the argument goes that it's a good way to acquire a complete library of songs when you're new and just starting out.

Well, let me tell you something my friends. You don't need thousands of songs to start out. I can run a successful show on only 500 songs. That's right. Because no matter how many songs you have, it's the same tried and true classics that get sung week after week.

So, put your money towards owning instead of renting. Start off slow with some core sets and build it up from there. It may take longer but in the end you'll own all of your songs and have something to show for the money spent.

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Jun 13, 2018 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

Alan B wrote:
Well, let me tell you something my friends. You don't need thousands of songs to start out. I can run a successful show on only 500 songs. That's right. Because no matter how many songs you have, it's the same tried and true classics that get sung week after week.

I disagree with only tried and true classics getting done week after week, sure it'll happen but if that is all you have - of course that is all that'll get done. However at our show I get more and more obscure songs getting done than I ever have and I seriously believe it's because I have them and they see them (either in the printed book or the phone app). Without song listings of some sort, some singers will think of other than mainstream and do it but the most will not, if they don't see it - it's out of mind and they'll stick with what they know week after week.

Author:  mrmarog [ Wed Jun 13, 2018 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

Song books rule!! They are the reason so many different songs get sung at my venues. Without them it would pretty much be the classics.

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Wed Jun 13, 2018 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

mrmarog wrote:
Song books rule!! They are the reason so many different songs get sung at my venues. Without them it would pretty much be the classics.

Having physical songbooks is great for those still living in the flip phone age or before that but the phone apps allow those who have smartphones to free up the books for singers who don't have smartphones. Books are in limited quantities whereas most carry smartphones. Not everyone but a vast majority of them have smartphones and in this age of lazyness, I have worked at or been to shows where some singers have chosen to sing from their seat, I have not been to places in this century that actually had a stage area for the singers, with the exception of a short lived gig at a place where the owners couldn't make up their minds on anything.

Author:  mrmarog [ Wed Jun 13, 2018 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice proposal Yey or ney??

DannyG2006 wrote:
mrmarog wrote:
Song books rule!! They are the reason so many different songs get sung at my venues. Without them it would pretty much be the classics.

Having physical songbooks is great for those still living in the flip phone age or before that but the phone apps allow those who have smartphones to free up the books for singers who don't have smartphones. Books are in limited quantities whereas most carry smartphones. Not everyone but a vast majority of them have smartphones and in this age of lazyness, I have worked at or been to shows where some singers have chosen to sing from their seat, I have not been to places in this century that actually had a stage area for the singers, with the exception of a short lived gig at a place where the owners couldn't make up their minds on anything.

"Ummm", Danny, Why do people write and sell so many books..... it's because people prefer books. Smartphones are not the "go to" for everything. Secondly you must live in a rat hole society if nowhere, that has karaoke, has a stage to sing from. What fun would that be? I truly feel sorry for you :cry: I can't think of a single place I've been to in the last 20 years that didn't have a dedicated stage/spot for the singer to sing from.

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