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Piracy. Why it exists, and and idea to solve it.
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Author:  Cueball [ Thu Mar 09, 2017 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Piracy. Why it exists, and and idea to solve it.

For Chris and Chip...

Author:  chrisavis [ Thu Mar 09, 2017 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Piracy. Why it exists, and and idea to solve it.

c. staley wrote:
chrisavis wrote:
Nothing anecdotal about it. Some pirates contacted me for help getting legal. I sold them some extra discs. It wasn't about profit. It was about helping someone that asked for help.
Therefore, yes... you do "help pirates." Nice of you to finally admit it.

I am comfortable with what I did even if you are not.

c. staley wrote:
chrisavis wrote:
I believe you are a pirate and that is less fantasy and more reality supported by your own words an actions.
And not a single example to support your belief. Not surprising.

All the proof I need comes from your actions and your posts on these and other forums. I point to those.

c. staley wrote:
chrisavis wrote:
c. staley wrote:
But let me ask you this:
Why are you so interested in the Red Peters tracks?
Are you hoping to receive some sort of blessing to put them up on a torrent?

Someone else already put them out there.
The originally pirated-by-Sound Choice tracks are there... and have been. Not necessarily news. How about you give us a screen shot of the torrent listing all the tracks? You should be able to provide that for proof at the bare minimum.

That too is already in these forums. Perhaps I should educate you on how to use the Search function?

c. staley wrote:
chrisavis wrote:
c. staley wrote:
Are you out to screw over Red Peters?

I think you are doing that with your lies.
Enligthen us on exactly how you believe that is so. I'll wait because it should be very creative.

You lied about the serialized digital watermarking. I have no reason to believe you didn't lie to Red Peters.

c. staley wrote:
chrisavis wrote:
They are on Torrents and iRC. You have lost that battle already.
Prove it, don't just whine about it.

Proven. L2Search.

c. staley wrote:
chrisavis wrote:
btw.....the "No one gets sued by me" argument is empty. You have no standing to sue. You can't sue anyone over pirated Red Peters tracks.
How much you wanna bet? If you're still confused or convinced that I can't, ask your "controller licensor" Harrington.

You can't sue, because you lied about the serialized digital watermarking. There is nothing that ties a track back to a person. You don't have any standing in that regard. I could self-rep and get out of that charge.

c. staley wrote:
chrisavis wrote:
I have already proven that the Red Peters tracks can't be tracked to the original purchaser. So the reality of it is that anyone can grab the tracks from the web without much fear of reprisal. That sucks for Red Peters. What sucks even more is if you led Red Peters to believe otherwise.
You've only proven that you haven't been able to find anything at all and therefore, you guess there's nothing there.

I did prove it already. There is nothing to find. It is impossible to perform serialized digital watermarking that results in files being binary identical. You call yourself a "programmer" and should know that. Or did you lie about that as well? (I also believe someone else did most if not all of the coding of your kiosk program).

Can you point to ANY research anywhere that demonstrates that serialized digital watermarking can be performed without resulting in binary different files? That will generate identical MD5 or SHA-2 hashes?

I'll wait.....

Author:  c. staley [ Thu Mar 09, 2017 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Piracy. Why it exists, and and idea to solve it.

chrisavis wrote:
(I also believe someone else did most if not all of the coding of your kiosk program).
Now THAT'S funny! lol

chrisavis wrote:
You can't sue, because you lied about the serialized digital watermarking. There is nothing that ties a track back to a person. You don't have any standing in that regard. I could self-rep and get out of that charge.
And that's hilarious!... (and it means you didn't ask Harrington either. Try again.)

Author:  chrisavis [ Thu Mar 09, 2017 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Piracy. Why it exists, and and idea to solve it.

c. staley wrote:
Can you point to ANY research anywhere that demonstrates that serialized digital watermarking can be performed without resulting in binary different files? That will generate identical MD5 or SHA-2 hashes?

I'll wait.....


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