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Glee,The flash, Galavant, or Crazy ex girlfriend songs?
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Author:  ryan4891s [ Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Glee,The flash, Galavant, or Crazy ex girlfriend songs?

I'm always looking for tv show songs but I find their impossible to find....

Author:  Cueball [ Tue Jan 23, 2018 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Glee,The flash, Galavant, or Crazy ex girlfriend songs?

Why "Glee"? With the exception of 1 song in their entire series, nothing they sang was original material. Everything they sang was from other artists (of which it's all out there in karaoke format).

As for "Galavant" and "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend", that's extremely obscure. Only a small percentage of people may have watched those on TV. You might stand a better chance getting the software packages to make those songs yourself.

I don't remember the songs sung in the musical episode from "The Flash" (with "Supergirl" as a cross-over episode), but did they sing anything original? If so, that will also fall under the extremely obscure territory, and you'll stand a better chance of making them yourself.

Author:  ryan4891s [ Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Glee,The flash, Galavant, or Crazy ex girlfriend songs?

Actually the glee songs I'm referring to is the mash ups or the ones that are a different arrangement then the original! As for as the other songs, even if it's obscure this is only place I could think of asking...

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Feb 07, 2018 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Glee,The flash, Galavant, or Crazy ex girlfriend songs?

cueball wrote:
Why "Glee"? With the exception of 1 song in their entire series, nothing they sang was original material. Everything they sang was from other artists (of which it's all out there in karaoke format).
The ones I heard were different enough from the original to make them kind of unique.

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