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Tuning a Mackie DFX12 mixer
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Author:  dbk1009 [ Wed Oct 15, 2003 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Tuning a Mackie DFX12 mixer

Hello all. As I have mentioned before, I am a novice in alot of the technicalities of audio. As I said in an earlier thread, I bought a Mackie DFX12 mixer. It took some playng to get it hooked up correctly to my system, but I finally did it.

My question is this- I have alot of digital effects on the mixer, which one is best for karaoke?

Thanks in advance.

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Oct 15, 2003 10:52 am ]
Post subject: 

No right or wrong effect & no standard. It really depends on the song. Most people use one of the reverbs as a standard, some use the delay as a standard, I know 1 guy who uses the chorus as his standard. Whatever sounds pleasing & not overpowering.
Remember effects are supposed to enhance, NOT take over - as a rule. If you "hear" the effect, you have too much!

Author:  EElvis [ Thu Oct 16, 2003 3:36 am ]
Post subject:  Ditto

I use either plate reverb, or small room. read the manual, it reads like mixers for dummy's it is really a great piece of literature. BTW if you ever want to get into making your own karaoke songs, I found out last night that the remove vocals on the mixer works as well as the more expensive $800.00 vocal remover.

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Thu Oct 16, 2003 9:44 am ]
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Is the DFX12 rack mountable ?

Author:  dbk1009 [ Thu Oct 16, 2003 9:48 am ]
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I believe so- but only for a top mount. all the connections and controls are on top. I assume it would work well in a slant top box.

Author:  EElvis [ Thu Oct 16, 2003 3:52 pm ]
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I bought a Case for it from skb with velcro and it opens up and tilts. nice case if it is rack mountable i would like to know how, because i would like to do that

Author:  knightshow [ Thu Oct 16, 2003 7:31 pm ]
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Thanks Dr. D... I was just going to mention that rack!! It's incredible.

Next paycheck... that sucker's MINE!

Author:  kojak [ Sun Oct 19, 2003 7:37 pm ]
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What's the model number for this case?
I'm really unhappy with the way that my JVC player fits into my rack adaptor. The fact that the faceplate is just a little bit wider than the chasis prevents it from sliding all the way back into the adaptor. It does fit into my case, but it's a close fit.
JVC is losing favor with me.
I've used two differant models of JVC 3 drawer players.
In addition to the over-wide face plate: It is slow to cue; the buttons to open the drawers are close together making it easy to kill the song that's playing; it doesn't have a countdown timer; it has funtions that I'll never use, (like the vocal replace). It has funtions, (like vocal masking), that you can't use without the remote control. There have been times that I've gone to open a drawer, and it just sits there looking at me for a few seconds, then the drawer opens about 1/3 of the way and then closes up on me. What is this? Is the player trying to give me the finger or what? If this happend after a quick little touch of the button I'd understand, but it happens after a solid cue to open.
JVC can go suck an egg!
I wish I had a Pioneer and a beer!

Author:  EElvis [ Mon Oct 20, 2003 4:21 am ]
Post subject: 

http://www.samdaymusic.com/product--SKB2219P Actually the dfx12 fills this case completely. it is a perfect fit. I notice they didnt have it in stock, but there are a lot of sites that do. Shop around, you can probably beat that price also.

Author:  knightshow [ Mon Oct 20, 2003 11:50 am ]
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it's here http://www.musc123.com/Item/?itemno=18112 for $144.00

Now that's a "velcro" type case... where you don't "install" the player on it... it just sits in there really snug!

there are OTHER type of cases, some SKB, that work similarily, that actually have you install the mixer.

Author:  rockymntn_dream [ Thu Oct 23, 2003 8:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

I love my Mackie DFX12! :lol: I use it for a home/wannabe-club system. I usually keep it set it on small room, and adjust the mic volumes and effects depending on who is singing. It made all the difference in the world and beats the heck outta my 100w RSQ mixing amp sound wise.

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Tue Nov 11, 2003 10:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Getting ready to purchase the DFX12 for myself. I was reading reviews of this product on one of the ON LINE stores and the reviews rated this mixer a 2.6 out of a possible 5 rating. They said the mixer was very NOISY ...... In the past I've heard nothing but DECENT reviews of this mixer...... Before I go and shell out $240 ..any more comments.

What does NOISY mixer mean???

Author:  EElvis [ Tue Nov 11, 2003 10:36 am ]
Post subject: 

I guess it's all in what you compare it to. For karaoke and a lot of applications it is great. If you compare it to a $2000.00 studio mixer, then it is noisey. but for the price it is one of the best out there. I am using one, and if I have the controls set properly, I can't hear any noise in it whatsoever. Brian Douglas or loneman can probably clue you in on this one better. but for me it's #1 for the price

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Nov 11, 2003 10:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Where was this review? How MANY reviews were there - was it just 1 or several? If it was just 1 then I would take it as someone who got a bad unit - IT HAPPENS! Listen to the people on this board & the others that are using it. Haven't heard too many bad things about from your peers.
I personally don't care for it simply because it doesn't have enough inputs for my needs & it doesn't have a midrange control for the channel strips. Other than that, I have heard them & they sound decent otherwise & will be fine for most karaoke.

Noisy mixer generally means that you can hear a lot of hiss, maybe a little hum or it distorts.

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:12 am ]
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The site was amercian musical and granted there were only 2 reviews but each said the same thing , So I came here AGAIN for some last minute advice before spending the $$$.

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Nov 11, 2003 12:00 pm ]
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Ok it looks like one was using it for recording purposes & most likely the other one as well. I can see how they wouldn't like it for recording, it's NOT a recording board. As far as Mackie quality goes, these boards were designed to compete with the cheaper crap out there, that is partly why the scaled down design & lack of features, but still retain Mackie quality. Like I said i've heard these boards & they are fine for live use - which karaoke is. This is what the board was primarily designed for anyway, hence the vocal eliminator feature.

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Wed Nov 12, 2003 5:34 am ]
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