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Do You Tell Your Singers The Truth?
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Author:  KJKILLER [ Thu Aug 22, 2019 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do You Tell Your Singers The Truth?

If most KJ's told their bad singers the god's honest truth; they would no longer have a following. bad singers believe that they are much better than they are because karaoke audiences are very forgiving. The applause they receive after a terrible rendition of a song just helps them to believe the delusion that are truly talented. If you destroy their false reality, they will find something else to do instead of karaoke and KJ wants that. Bad singers spend money too.

Author:  dvdgdry [ Fri Sep 06, 2019 5:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do You Tell Your Singers The Truth?

How many times have you gotta be slapped in the face with a skunk before you know it stinks?

I always think of that if they stunk it up,especially when they sing the same song week after week horribly, but to answer their question, I always present them with a question? Did you have fun with it? And that is all that truly matters with a Karaoke Performance!

Author:  Annie Kuzak [ Fri Nov 22, 2019 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Do You Tell Your Singers The Truth?

I love all this honest and interesting feedback and I agree with all of it. It is so important to impart confidence and fun to everyone no matter what their song delivery and voice is like, especially to singers who may be challenged in some way.

Author:  Product 19 [ Thu Dec 05, 2019 9:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do You Tell Your Singers The Truth?

let's say i promote the positive to all my singers

the real question is, and i'd like to see responses on this: when you have a singer that's terrible, do you let them know? or how do you react?

Author:  andrew3000 [ Mon Jan 13, 2020 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do You Tell Your Singers The Truth?

I actually get asked a fair bit - the one venue I still do has a very devout karaoke crowd, and they are obsessed with analyzing their performances. Truth be told, it gets to be a lot sometimes - after 8 years, I've become friends with the guys that own the place, and so I like to come out an hour before I need to setup and grab a beer with 'em and have a tiny respite from my regular work. My karaoke crowd - who I love and appreciate, don't get me wrong - have learned that I get there very early and they get there earlier and earlier to pore over the minutiae of their performances from the previous week. Honestly, it's kind of exhausting.

Here's what's wild about it: none of these people are professional-level singers. Not that I'd ever expect that out of karaoke - I'm not a professional-level singer, although I'm admittedly closer than most people at my show - but their obsessiveness about it outweighs the stakes. It's like they have a record deal waiting in the wings or something, and I'm like "can't we all just hang out, grab a beer, sing some songs, crack some off-color jokes, and have a fun time?"

So they ask, a lot, and I just smile and keep my answers brief and noncommittal and, most importantly, unfocused on singing quality. "Oh, that one was fun! Crowd was into it." "You really leaned into that one, didn't cha?" "Hard to screw up such a great song choice!"

Author:  max [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Do You Tell Your Singers The Truth?

I lie through my teeth, I'm not into breaking someone's heart. Most I find DO NOT want the truth, They do wanted it sugar coated...Be kinda like telling a lady that you hate the color that her blouse, odds are she would never wear that blouse again...same with a song..tell them that they didn't do even less then great they will drop that song like a rock...On this very site when we had tons of people subbing songs...In the olden days..if you got less then an 8 people would jmp all over you..HOW DARE YOU...I once gave a 7 and that was being kind, someone came in an gave that person a 10 stating that she gave a 10 because I gave a 7..BUT on the other hand I WANT THE TRUTH..lol...I try to tell the better singers the truth thinking they can take it but most of the time I'm wrong they do get upset..
At this point in my life my singing is pretty much what it will be...Good r Bad...I'm more concerned with the mix these days then anything else..I don't expect my singing to get any better...JMO....

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