Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Murphy's Law Strikes Again
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Author:  jclaydon [ Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Murphy's Law Strikes Again

So about three or four years ago, i bought autotune live thinking that it would be really cool to be able to use an autotune effect for one of my karaoke birthday parties that i host.

So after buying the plugin i discover that the ilok technology used is actually proprietrary *i thought i'd be able to use any usb stick* and so i went to the trouble of trying to find an ilock usb stick so that i could use the plugin

Then i discover that the plugin is VST 3, not two and Reaper, the only DAW that let's you keep using it even after the trial expires *if it had worked i would have bought a license* didn't support VST 3 at the time. I also couldn't find a DAW software package that i could afford that did.

So I put the ilock away and hoped that i would be able to use it at some point in the future.

Fast forward to today.. Reaper finally does support VST 3 plugins.. So i went to dust off my ilock. It wasn't where i left it.

I have torn my whole trailer apart, and it is no where to be found.

ARRRRGH i can't win.

On a side note, why does Antares still use such an outdated copy protection scheme anyway? Everyone else has become software based.

Oh well



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