Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Your "First time"
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Author:  knightshow [ Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your "First time"

I've got one of the "Original" Karaoke DVDs that has her song "Boots" from what was her "video" (before they made music videos of course)... totally GoGo boots!

And no Stevan, I don't remember Nancy's singing at the time... but that picture was from Amazon.com!

Author:  jagdriver [ Sun Apr 29, 2007 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your "First time"

I was in Florence, Italy, with my wife, my cousin, his wife, and two of their friends. The gals wanted to go dancing one evening, so we guys relunctantly agreed to go to a disco. Being the first ones there, the place was pretty empty, but it had a really good sound system (read: LOUD) and I noticed some karaoke gear. Being bored just sitting with the guys while the gals did their thing, I looked through the song list, found some Beatles cuts I thought I could do, as well as a Dire Straits number.

Well, I had a riot. My cousin joined me on harmony for one Beatles song and, before long, he was belting out Steppenwolf's Born To Be Wild. The next day my voice was gone, and I learned right then why Lennon always left Twist and Shout for the group's last number. Like a fool, I had knocked it off first and, of course, completely strained what vocal chords I have.

That experience hooked me!

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